a Long History of Conquering
the Harshest Roads
Your objectives are clear. You need high-stress, lightweight, precision springs that meet the performance and life-cycle requirements critical to your brand in a highly competitive marketplace.
When meeting those objectives becomes a cost or design challenge, NASCO rises to the occasion with decades of innovation experience.

Finding New Solutions to Lower Cost
Unlike any other suspension- or transmission-spring supplier, NASCO is supported by nearly 80 years of spring-design knowledge and the vast resources of analysis and testing data that comes with it.
The result is a design- and manufacturing-engineering brain trust uniquely adept at driving more weight and more cost out of your material specifications, while still achieving the fit and performance life you absolutely need.
Taking New Angles on the Driving Experience
Built on a model of collaboration, NASCO can also partner with your engineers to advance discoveries in spring performance, relative to your vehicles.
Whether improving vehicle handling by adjusting suspension-spring force-line load, enhancing driver comfort by reducing transmission disc-spring shock, mitigating NVH characteristics by addressing suspension-spring load and spring rate, or any number of other factors, NASCO will work closely with you to set new performance standards.